Audiobook Tag

I saw this tag on Eline’s blog at Lovely Audiobooks and thought it would be a great way to talk about me starting to get into this format of books!

Just a heads up, I just started to listen to audiobooks, so I may not be able to answer some questions thoroughly

1. Have you always listened to audiobooks or when did you begin?

No, I had listened to The Count of Monte Cristo (the best part of the book was when the narrator would say ‘Edmond Dante’ and this guy in the class would later say it throughout the rest of the class 😂) and other stories during my freshman year in high school in English class, but I had never listened to an audiobook own my own because I didn’t have programs like Audio. But in March, I found out that my college has a thing with Hoopla where I can borrow four titles per month, and I figured I might as well take advantage of this since I’m paying tuition (well technically I’m not paying because of scholarships but you get the point).

2. What is your favorite audiobook?

The only audiobook that I have finished to date is Finding Somewhere to Belong by C. C. Masters, so I guess I’ll go with that one!

3. What is your least favorite thing about audiobooks?

The accents!!! I had started this one book that I had already read, and the male MC has an accent so naturally they cast an actor with a British accent. I was all in for that because hello! A British accent. But, enter the female character from Georgia, and I COULDN’T. It was so cringey that I had to stop it (think of Beautiful Creatures accents with a hint more cringe).

4. What do you think is the difference in experience between physically reading a book and listening to it?

I think audiobooks may let people be a little more immersed with the story because if you’re like me and read while listening to music, a small part of my attention is on the music. Audiobooks allows for actors/actresses to add emotions and other things that may be harder for some readers to imagine.

5. How and when do you listen?

I listen to them whenever I just need a moment and don’t feel like reading a physical book. Whenever I listen to an audiobook, I cannot do anything else because I end up so engrossed by the book that I can’t multitask.

6. What style/genre do you prefer?

At the moment, I don’t prefer anything. I normally listen to books that I’m not going to buy in the near future because of the cost of the physical book, or it’s books that I’ve heard a lot about but has never interested me enough to buy.

7. What are some audiobook/narrator recommendations?

I’ve heard great things about Illuminae is really great because of the layout… other than that I can’t think of anything off the top of my head.

What are some of your favorite audiobook? Let me know below!!! And if you do this tag make sure to tag me, so I can read it!

2 thoughts on “Audiobook Tag

  1. It’s so great that you did the tag, too! 🙂
    And it’s really handy that your college offers Hoopla audiobooks.
    I think the ability to multi-task will come over time. The brain needs a little time to get comfortable with this new form of taking in information. Although I marvel at people who can listen to an audiobook and write at the same time. I always have to pause otherwise my brain starts to hurt, haha

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