Cover Reveal Information

If you would like for me to help with a cover reveal for a young adult or new adult book, please send me an email with the following information: name of the book, cover, date of when you would life for the post to go up, synopsis, and any other information such as links. I am flexible with the information that is included in the cover reveal, but at a minimum I need to have the general book information.

Generally, I set up a cover reveal in the following order with the title and author’s name at the top of the post (not the title of the post), expected publication date, genre, book cover, synopsis, book links (if available), and author information (about the author and links). Click here to see an example.

If you have any questions or would like for me to help with a cover reveal, feel free to email me at laurenbodiford123 [at] yahoo [dot] com.