The Unique Blogger & Liebster Award Part II

Hi everyone! I hope y’all are doing well! We finally made it through the week, and I made it through my first week of my second semester of nursing!

I was nominated for a couple of blogging awards this past week and wanted to do them since I have a few minutes since I posted my OwlCrate unboxing earlier today!

P.s. if I nominated you for one of the awards consider yourself nominated for both of them!

The Unique Blogger Award

I was nominated for this award by the lovely Autumn @ Chapter Malliumpkin! Autumn is such a lovely blogger and she’s always so supportive!

The Rules 

  • Thank and share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you for The Unique Blogger Award
  • Answer their three questions
  • In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 blogs for the same award and ask them three new questions

How did you come around to starting your blog?

My long story can be found in The Blogger Recognition Award! But, essentially I wanted to spread my love for some of the lesser know books and help authors by talking about their books!

What are three songs that describe you and your beautiful soul?

  1. I Want Crazy by Hunter Hayes – I love this song so much because it the type of relationship I strive to have one day where you have that person that you can’t stand to be without!
  2. Good Girls by 5SOS – This song is basically written for me.
  3. When It All Goes Wrong by The Hara – this 3 minute song reminds me to keep going during the hard times and not to quit because it will get better.

What are three books that made you emotional and never want to let go of?

Clockwork Princess – RIP Will, As She Fades by Abbi Glines – y’all no joke I cried for the entire 2nd half of the book, and the end of The Darkest Minds.

My Questions:

  • What’s something (other than books) do you geek out about?
  • Who’s a character that you’d invite go with you to a fancy event?
  • What’s a hobby that you’d love to pick up on?


The Liebster Award Part II

I was also nominated for The Liebster Award the other day by the wonderful Emer @ A Little Haze Book Blog! Emer is always posting such amazing posts that keeps me inspired!

What is The Liebster Award?

I found all this information on The Global Aussie‘s page.

“The Liebster Award is an award that exists only on the internet and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.”


  • Say thank you to the person who has nominated you for the Award.
  • Answer the 11 questions the person has asked you
  • Nominate 11 people
  • Ask the people who you have nominated 11 questions

What is the first book you ever remember buying?

Oh good heavens, give me a second to think… The first book that I can remember buying after I started reading seriously is Percy Jackson during middle school. It was one of the first books that made me fall in love with reading!

Have you ever read any book that changed the way you see yourself or how you see the world? If so what book and why?

Off the top of my head, I can’t think of one particular book. But, I feel like each book I read makes me want to find the good in the world and to not lose hope that there are good people, and they teach me a lot of valuable things like self-appreciation and being comfortable in my own skin.

What is your favourite food to snack on while reading?

I’ll be honest I love to eat either chips or something chocolatey!

What is your favourite thing about book blogging or blogging in general?

I love being able to talk with other people about something that means so much to me. I also love how my blog has become a journal type thing for me, and I can go back and read posts to see how my life has changed!

What is your favourite ever quote from a book and why that quote?

“Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway.”

First, Maxon will always and forever be on my list of book boyfriends, but I want to have a relationship where the guy loves me enough to be willing to sacrifice his heart to make it work.

If you could only ever read books by one author for the rest of your life, what author would that be?

It might be Jennifer L. Armentrout because she has such a wide array of books from contemporary to fantasy to mythology!

What is your favourite genre to read?

I love a good contemporary book with a bit of romance! There’s something about this genre that gives me the warm fuzzies!

What is your least favourite genre to read?

First genre that came to my mind was erotica, but I have read it so I can’t really say that. So, it would be horror/suspense because at the end of the day I’m a big chicken and can’t stand that stuff.

If you could have any super-power for a day what would you choose?

It would be the power to be able to make stuff levitated, so I can get work done while reading!

Have you ever bought a book based on its cover alone? If so what was the book and what about the cover drew you in?

Not yet! I haven’t gotten to that point in my life!

Do you prefer books that make you laugh or books that make you cry? Explain why so.

Books that make me cry! I laugh at most anything funny, but for me to cry, I have to feel a connection the story and characters.

My Questions:

  • How do you celebrate the weekend?
  • What is your favorite Disney movie?
  • What is the last book that made you stay up all night?
  • How many books can you read at once?
  • Do you listen to music while you read?
  • Fanfic – Love it or hate it?
  • Who’s one of you favorite booktubers?
  • What is something that inspires you to keep blogging?
  • What’s a book/blogging goal that you hope to accomplish soon?
  • What personality trait automatically makes you swoon?
  • What book would you love to be turn into a movie/series?


Happy reading until next time,

19 thoughts on “The Unique Blogger & Liebster Award Part II

  1. Thank you for the nomination, Lauren 🥰 Omg, I loved Maxon so much!! Even though I’m not a fan of the Selection trilogy, I still remember how swoon-worthy Maxon was, & he’s such a great book boyfriend to have! And best of luck with nursing school ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The Liebster Award Parts V & VI and The Sunshine Blogger Award Part IX | Lala's Book Reviews

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