The Quick Fire Fantasy and Bookish Baking Tag

Hi everyone! It feels like for ever since I’ve been able to blog! Last week I had to start studying for my final that I took today, and over the past couple of days my eggs hatched! Yes! I incubated some of my chicken’s eggs and now have five additions to my chicken family! I’ll post about it soon!

I’m hoping that since I’m done with my med surg class for now, I can catch up on some blogging and reading!

The Quick Fire Fantasy Tag

I was tagged by Jen a couple of weeks ago @ Nen and Jen!

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who tagged you and link back to their post
  • Link to the creator’s blog (thebookwormdreamer) in your post
  • Answer the prompts – all fantasy books!
  • Tag 5 others to take part
  • Enjoy!


Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson! I read this book last year and fell in love with the story of Elisabeth and her quest of trying to become the watcher of the library! I’m not the biggest fan of magic and sorcery, but I enjoyed the elements that it added to the story. Plus, Silas is the best demon friend that anyone could have!


Since I’ve already said SoT, I’m going to say Spin the Dawn! I love this book not only because of it being a Mulan retelling, but also because of its Chinese influences. If that’s not enough Edan is also a crow shifter who has magic!


Casually looking through my TBR to find a fantasy book… Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa! I’ve had this book for a while now because it came in an OC box a couple of years ago but I haven’t gotten around to reading it! I read The Iron King by Julie last year and really enjoyed it, so I can’t wait to see some of her other writings!


Crave by Tracy Wolff! Are vampires considered fantasy? I know that werewolves are urban fantasy… and that werewolves and vampires are ‘enemies’ so they must be in the same genre… Anyway, I really loved this book! With vampires making a scene again in YA, this book really sets the bar high for the upcoming vampire books!


Tapping chin trying to think of a book! Glow of the Fireflies by Lindsey Duga kind of fits the prompt since a lot of the book takes place in between dimensions. This book is filled with descriptive writing that transports into the book! It has a strong connection with nature and is the perfect book to read with the weather warming up!


Hitched: The Bachelorette by G.K. DeRosa! This book series is honestly so much fun! It’s The Bachelorette meets The Selection meets the supernatural world with vampires, shifters (wolf, dragon, etc.), angels, demons, and more! Each book has its own twists and turns that will have you falling in love with the characters! Plus, there are several spinoff series!

The Bookish Baking Book Tag

I was tagged the amazing Kay @ Hammock of Books to do her original book tag! All of the graphics for this tag was created by her!


  • Thank whoever tagged you
  • Link back to them and the original creator (Kay @ Hammock of Books)
  • Answer the 12 prompts, and feel free to use these graphics
  • Tag 5+ friends to share the sweetness ❤

Only A Breath Apart by Katie McGarry! I had read an ARC of this book early last year and was crying after the first couple of pages because the story was already that captivating! This is a gripping story about two teenagers who have drifted apart over the years who have to work together in an unusual situation.


What Light by Jay Asher! I wasn’t the biggest Jay Asher fan before reading this book, so I was kind of hesitant to read this book, but I was looking for a Christmas book to read one year and picked this one up. I’m so glad that I did because it’s such a sweet book about this girl’s family tree farm that is struggling and falling in love with someone who has a bad record.


Gah… I feel like there are so many! I’m going to say Mouse from The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout! She has been through so much during her childhood that you just want her to have the perfect teenage life!


May I direct you to a rec post I posted last year for several titles? Recently I read Meet Me at Midnight by Jessica Pennington, and legit, it was so funny and sweet and ugh, I made me want a relationship like Asher and Sindey! They have such a dynamic relationship filled with pranks and cuteness!

funfetti cake.png

Percy Jackson! I’m sorry but did you really have a childhood if you didn’t read Percy Jackson during middle school? Percy Jackson and the Olympians is one of those series that got me into reading, and I will forever love him!


The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. As many of y’all know, I’m not one to read classics, but this story is one of the books that I enjoyed even though it was an assigned book in school!


The Sweet Evil Series by Wendy Higgins! I read these books back in like freshman year of high school and loved the story that Wendy told of Anna and Kai! I’m hoping that one day I’ll be able to reread this series, so I can post my review about my never ending love for Kai… I mean the story!


The Bookworm Crush by Lisa Brown Roberts! This book is so sweet! It’s about a booknerd who’s entering a competition to meet her favorite author and some how ends up getting help from her long time crush! It’s honestly any booknerds dream come true.


A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer! I love this book because it shows that disabilities aren’t always a bad thing or something that people should embarssed about! I also love that it’s the female MC who is the one who is supposed to save the main from the curse!


The City of Bones by Cassandra Clare! Can we just talk about that even six years ago there was already 7 or 8 books published in this world! I don’t know about y’all but being in the 8th grade and having that many books (and can I say that each book is rather thick) is mighty stressful!


Ok y’all are going to hate me but I need to read more diverse books because me pickins are slim. I’ve read some books with MCs who aren’t white, have disabilities, or have a different definition of what makes up a relationship, but it’s kind of embarrassing how basic my selection of read books are.


OMG, there are so many from The Cruel Prince to SoC to ACOTAR to Harry Potter! But I think Harry Potter is still in the lead despite its age! People are all the time talking about it or finding ways to bring it into conversations that it blows my mind of the ever popularity of this fandom!

I’m tagging whoever would like to do either (or both) of these tags! Make sure you tag me in it so I can read them!

Happy reading until next time,

11 thoughts on “The Quick Fire Fantasy and Bookish Baking Tag

  1. Pingback: Books I’ve DNFed and Recently Put Down: TTT | Lala's Book Reviews

  2. Such a fun post! I love the baking tag ❤ I still have to read Sorcery of Thorns but it's on my TBR list which is actually MANAGEABLE this year (fingers crossed it stays that way) so hopefully I'll get to it soon 🙂 Fab post Lauren!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: May/June Wrap Up and Haul + Updates | Lala's Book Reviews